In their medical malpractice column for the New York Law Journal on, Thomas A. Moore and Matthew Gaier write about the importance of a patient being able to access their electronic medical records metadata: “Patients’ Right to Their Own EMR Metadata”.

Medical records are now entered on computers and stored electronically on computers or file servers. Metadata is secondary information that is not apparent on the face of the document and describes the characteristics, origins and usage of an electronic document, and the only way to determine whether an EMR has been improperly modified or edited is to review the metadata. There is now greater potential for improper edits, alterations and deletions to the record. In their article, they explain how this new medical recording system has affected medical malpractice litigation.

To read the full article, click here.

This medical malpractice column written by Tom Moore and Matt Gaier, New York personal injury attorneys, is a resource used by countless attorneys throughout New York state regarding issues of medical malpractice.