Undergoing medical surgery can be a stressful and vulnerable experience. While the majority of surgical procedures are successful, there are instances where medical professionals may make accidental surgical errors that result in adverse outcomes. When a healthcare professional makes a mistake and a medical surgery goes wrong due to these mistakes, it is essential to contact a lawyer to understand your legal rights.

1. Understanding Surgical Errors

A surgical error refers to any preventable surgical injury a healthcare professional makes during surgery, such as poor technical procedure, leaving an instrument inside the body, or unnecessary infection after surgery. These injuries can occur at various stages of the surgical process, from pre-operative assessments to post-operative care.

Examples of Common Incidents:

Operating on the wrong body part: This type of surgical error involves a surgeon operating on the incorrect body part. Factors such as poor communication, improper pre-operative verification, or inaccurately marked surgical sites can contribute to this serious mistake.

Damaging nerves or organs during surgery: Surgical procedures require utmost precision, but sometimes, healthcare professionals may inadvertently damage nerves, blood vessels, or organs during the operation. This can result in long-term complications, including loss of function and chronic pain, particularly when the damage is not timely recognized and corrected.


Leaving surgical instruments or sponges inside the patient’s body: Surgeons rely on numerous instruments and sponges during a procedure. However, there are instances when these items are unintentionally left inside the patient’s body. This can lead to severe infection, organ damage, or other complications that require additional surgeries to remove foreign objects.

Failing to prevent or address surgical infections: Infections acquired during or after surgery can have serious consequences. Surgeons and medical staff have a duty to follow proper infection control protocols, including sterilizing equipment, maintaining a sterile environment, and administering appropriate antibiotics. Negligence in infection prevention and treatment can lead to unnecessary infections, prolonged hospital stays, and even life-threatening complications.

By understanding these common incidents, patients can better assess whether they have experienced a surgical error and whether they may have grounds for a surgical error lawsuit. If you have encountered any of these situations or suspect a surgical error, it is crucial to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney at KDLM where we specialize in medical malpractice cases.

2. Recognizing the Consequences

The consequences of surgical or anesthesia errors can be devastating for patients. Not only can they result in physical pain and suffering, but they can also lead to long-term disabilities, extended hospital stays, the need for additional surgeries, emotional distress, loss of income, and a diminished quality of life all of which can be addressed in a medical malpractice lawsuit.

What is a Surgical Error Lawsuit?

A surgical error lawsuit, often referred to as a medical malpractice suit, is a legal claim filed by a patient who has suffered harm due to a preventable mistake made by a healthcare professional during surgery. When medical negligence occurs the affected individual has the right to seek compensation for the damages they have endured.

The purpose of a surgical error lawsuit is to hold the responsible healthcare professional or institution accountable for their actions or negligence. By pursuing legal action, the patient seeks justice, as well as financial compensation to cover medical expenses, loss of income, pain and suffering, emotional distress, and other damages incurred as a result of the surgical error.

To prepare for the lawsuit, one must establish that the healthcare professional or institution breached their duty of care, resulting in harm to the patient. This involves proving that the standard of care expected in the medical community was not met and that the surgical error was a direct cause of the patient’s injuries or worsened condition.

Navigating the complexities of a surgical error lawsuit requires the expertise of a knowledgeable personal injury attorney specializing in medical malpractice cases like our team at KDLM.

3. Establishing Medical Negligence

To have a valid surgical error claim, it is paramount that the patient and their attorney must that the healthcare professional or medical institution involved was negligent. Negligence occurs when the healthcare professional fails to meet the standard of care expected in their field. This means demonstrating that the medical professional breached their duty of care and that the breach directly caused your injury or worsened your condition.

Proving medical negligence in a surgical error case can be complex. It requires a thorough investigation and the expertise of medical professionals and legal specialists. Your attorney will analyze the details of your case, consult with medical experts, and review relevant medical guidelines and protocols to establish the standard of care that should have been followed during your surgery.

4. Gathering Evidence

Building a strong surgical error lawsuit also requires gathering evidence to support your claim. This evidence may include medical records, diagnostic tests, surgical notes, anesthesia records, photographs or videos from the procedure, witness statements from medical staff or other patients, and any other documentation relevant to your case.

Medical records demonstrate the specifics of your surgery, including the procedure performed, any complications noted, and post-operative care provided. Diagnostic tests and imaging studies can provide objective evidence of any injuries or complications resulting from the surgical error. Witness statements from medical staff who were present during the surgery can provide valuable insights into any deviations from standard practice.

Expert opinions are also vital in establishing the negligence of the healthcare professional. Your attorney will work with medical experts who specialize in the relevant field to review the evidence and provide their professional opinions on whether the healthcare professional’s actions deviated from the standard of care.

5. Evaluating Damages

In a surgical error lawsuit, damages refer to the compensation sought for the harm and losses you have suffered. These damages can be economic, such as medical expenses, lost wages, and future medical care costs. They can also be non-economic, including pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life.

Working closely with your attorney to evaluate the full extent of your damages is crucial in pursuing a fair and comprehensive compensation claim. Your attorney will consider various factors, including the severity of your injuries, the impact on your quality of life, the need for ongoing medical treatment or rehabilitation, and the economic losses you have incurred. By thoroughly assessing your damages, your attorney can seek appropriate compensation on your behalf.

7. Expert Witness Testimony

Expert witnesses play a vital role in surgical error cases by providing their professional opinions based on their expertise and knowledge. These experts are often other healthcare professionals with relevant experience in the same field as the defendant.

In a surgical error lawsuit, expert witnesses can help establish the standard of care that should have been followed during the procedure. They can testify about the typical practices and procedures in the medical field, as well as how the defendant’s actions deviated from these standards. Expert witnesses can provide a clear understanding of the mistakes made by the healthcare professional, helping the court assess the negligence and liability involved.

Your attorney will work to identify and retain qualified expert witnesses who can strengthen your case by providing expert testimony.

8. Settlement vs. Trial

Many surgical error lawsuits are settled before they reach the trial stage. Settlements offer a quicker resolution and reduce the uncertainties associated with a trial. In a settlement, both parties negotiate a mutually agreeable compensation amount without going to court.

However, it is essential to carefully consider any settlement offers and consult with your attorney to determine if they adequately compensate you for your damages. Your attorney will review the settlement offer, assess its fairness, and advise you on whether it meets your needs. If a fair settlement cannot be reached through negotiations, your attorney will prepare your case for trial and fight for your rights in court.

Every medical malpractice case is unique, and the approach may vary depending on the circumstances.